October of every year is National Breast Cancer Awareness month, a time when we are reminded of the scourge of Breast Cancer. All South African women are naturally urged to take the necessary preventative measures to reduce their chances of falling victim to it.
I do believe that by shedding light on a dread disease like this one and assisting women with the ways they can go about its prevention is a good and useful initiative, and it got me to thinking about how what a powerful thing awareness can be.
When someone is kept in the dark about things they grope around trying to find their way, but wherever there is light, there is hope. Perhaps it is necessary, therefore, to shed a little more light on where we are going with international travel to raise some hope for an industry that may well feel that they have lost everything.
Proceed with caution – but level 1 brings hope
The fact that international travel has opened up again should, in itself, give some encouragement to TMCs. Still, there is a great debate raging – will international travel ever be the same now that we have learnt to do business differently?
These fears are not without foundation. Even as we are cautiously dipping our toes into what has been considered to be a COVID infested pool, we are continuously reminded that international travel was mostly to blame for the spread of the virus in the first place.
Well, that’s fair enough, but we are proceeding with plenty of caution and reverence for it. International travellers are subject to all kinds of compliances like COVID clearance certificates, testing and quarantining at your own expense if testing proves to be positive, only embarking form certain airports and travelling through certain land borders. This is not yet international travel without some headaches by any means.
Seek Travel Advisors help
Instead of travellers simply thrashing around in the dark and feeling overwhelmed by all these rules and regulations, more than ever it will benefit business and leisure travellers alike to seek a Travel Advisors help – and here are a few good reasons why…
It’s their job to know – Travel Advisors are required to know all there is to know about any regulations relating to covid-19 compliance – and any other regulations enforced by all countries to which you may be travelling. You don’t need to find out – just let them advise you.
Research and planning – Why waste your time doing all the research on flights, hotels cruises etc. when a professional does it better? Planning a trip should be a pleasure, not a chore! Travel Advisors take all the stress out of it for you.
Personalisation and good deals – Travel Advisors understand your personal requirements, preferences and cost parameters, therefore they can always get you a better deal than you can for yourself. Remember they have their finger on the pulse of every great package and special available all over the world at all times.
Light and hope
Just as the medical fraternity needs to continue to shine a light on dread diseases to create awareness and ultimately increase the odds of recovery, good Travel Professionals will always continue to shed light on travel requirements and compliances and give their clients the benefits of every advancement in getting things back to normal.
Right now seeking the advice ad utilising the services of Travel professionals is a win-win situation – they need your support get back on their feet and they can get better deals for you and help you to know what you need to.
The more people know, the safer they will feel, and the safer they feel, the more likely they will be to stop just dipping their toes and take the plunge. International travel is not ‘dead in the water,’ just merely treading water until it once again finds its feet.
Where there is light, there is hope, so stay positive – and safe!LIDIA FOLLI