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AI is alive and well in SA tourism – but bots can’t replace agents!

Without a doubt AI, as with many other industries, is revolutionising the way we do travel and tourism. This came up for me when I recently read an article on the subject referring to the global picture. The article said “The impact of AI on tourism is multifaceted and significant, with an estimated $8.4 billion in value created within the travel industry (April 2023)”. It went on to bullet point five main areas where AI was making an impact: firstly in the planning of travel, where it suggested that AI can change the patterns of travel behaviour through changing travel planning. Secondly, in optimising efficiency, which includes streamlining processes, reducing errors and optimising resource allocation. The third point made was making systems more streamlined by integrating complex technologies, and a fourth important, implementation of AI has been the consolidation of huge data which enables better decision-making and more targeted marketing strategies. It was the final point however, which was that AI enhances customer service by Travel Professionals to their customers by improving overall customer satisfaction, that prompted me to write this article because although this is partially true, I don’t believe that AI or the use of “bots” will ever be able to replace travel Agents.

AI in SA is more than just OK

Let me not get ahead of myself though, because I think, as always, we need to look at the local industry and whether we are fully implementing AI as effectively as it is being done in other parts of the globe. I would have to say, from where I sit, I believe we certainly are. Regarding the point made about data consolidation, we have found this is highly effective on the corporate side where AI can check big data and make the right recommendations for a client that prefers certain seating, certain times of travel etc. AI bots can pop an email at the right time of year to remind passengers of their trip. Contact centres have been established which monitor our interactions with clients and this is helpful as there can be a lot of going back and forth with clients to gauge exactly what they need.

AI can actually also learn about the nuances of various types of travel operations and what their customers prefer – and it helps to deliver a better service through profiling people, their industry and type of requirements. Another highly successful application is the loading of rates, which can be complex with SADC rates, midweek rates, peak season rates etc. all changing and needing to be loaded.

You still need the wind beneath your wings!

As much as I agree that AI, with all of its magical applications, has revolutionised travel as we know it (even to the point that it can inspire us to try new ventures and travel to new destinations) there is one thing that will never change – people still want to deal with people! There is absolutely nothing more frustrating than finding yourself in an unexpected, less-than-desirable situation, stranded at an airport somewhere because of botched travel arrangements, political upheaval or poor weather conditions, to realise that you have done everything electronically and virtually and there is nobody who has your back!

Never underestimate, not only the efficiency and expertise of a Travel Professional in the planning of your travels but also their invaluable advice, because they have their ears to the ground all over the globe, and particularly their personalised attention when it comes to assisting in a crisis. Yes, we need AI and all the great enhancements it is making to our industry and the lives of our travellers, but will bots ever replace Agents? – I think not.



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